Sara's Party Perfect

knights & nobles

Mer mag is one of those crafty kind of moms I will always be in awe of. She also has kids who have birthdays near Halloween (like me), which kind of puts the pressure on when I look at these photos! Somehow I missed this Knights & Nobles party she threw for her 2 year old. Awesome! Did I mention she created those knight costumes? Or the castle tent for the party? Or those dragon finger puppets for each of the guests? Um-hmm. That’s the kind of creativity I can’t even aspire to, but I sure enjoy looking at it. Bravo…

Sara's Party Perfect
    Sara's Party Perfect


    4 Responses to “knights & nobles”
    1. Brooke says:

      I know Sara.. Merrilee is amazing! We went to her Peter Pan party back when her little A was just 3 or 4 and it was just as cool, such nice attention to detail without it feeling like an overdone photo opp. She gets it just right..

    2. Tasha says:

      I just adore these invites and the whole idea. very clever indeed.


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    Sara's Party Perfect