Sara's Party Perfect

paris candy shop birthday

Annmarie of near-Boston, Massachusetts sent me this adorable ‘Parisian Candy Shop’ party for her daughter Lucy’s 4th birthday. Everything is just as I imagine a little girl would dream of…pink, fluffy, light-goodness. 

The cake is a masterpiece (Annmarie was inspired by this one); and the paper cones the girls used for treats are a favorite of mine as well. I bet those little ones were on quite a sugar high…
Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

This bike parade/picnic birthday party has me ready for spring. I’m in love with the bottom photo…look at that caravan of bikes!

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

Just came across for a $50 Williams-Sonoma gift card and double-cherry lollies!

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

for the budding artist

ideas for an art-based birthday party…here. Happy 5th Birthday, Madelyn!

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

the cuteness continues

More of Bee’s party here.

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

henri’s circus party

I must admit I am not a fan of the real-life circus. But Cirque Du Soleil and circus-themed birthday parties are just dandy!

Dana went all-out for her son Henri’s first birthday party. I’m personally in love with the favors (look at that amazing fabric and ticket-stub tags!). That cake- especially the lettering- really has me hooked. And all of the sweet vintage touches keep it from feeling like a ‘factory-ready’ party. I really adore everything, with the exception of the occasional tilted photo (a personal pet peeve of mine). Tip: Try cropping your photos differently or putting your ‘scene’ in a corner of the photo next time and see what a difference it will make!

I also heart the spelling of Henri’s name. You can see all the love and hard work that was put into this lovely affair!

vintage wares…  and ebay
invites and paper goods…gaddie and tood

And- OH! For those with kids- this article is laugh-out-loud funny. 
Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

parade of pirates

I’m enthralled by this Tampa-based pirate party! Read more here.

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

makes me want a girl!

This party looks like every little girl’s dream…

…and on a sidenote: I apologize to anyone whose comments I haven’t responded to. If you’d like to send me photos of your party, please email them to hickspapergoods(at)yahoo(dot)com. I can’t promise I that I can publish all of them, but I do love seeing each and every one! If you have a direct question for me, that’s also the best way to reach me. I don’t have any way of knowing when a new comment pops up unless I go back and look through all the old posts, which I often don’t have time for (so sorry!). It’s not that I’m ignoring you.

But I DO love all of your comments- thank you and keep ‘em coming! On the days that it doesn’t seem worthwhile to have a blog, they definitely sustain me. Lastly-regrettably, I’m not able to supply ideas for those of you looking for help planning a specific kind of party. If and when I come across some great inspiration I will be the first to pass it along- but I simply don’t have the time or resources to invest in party planning, though I wish I did! Thank you to all of you for your continued readership. -sara
Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

she’s done it again

Another fantastic birthday party from Brooke.

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

william and wild animals

For some reason I seem to be all kid parties this week. This is another favorite from Sharnel. Her 3 year-old William, had a ‘Wild Animals’ themed birthday party. Click here for more.

FYI- We moved out of the house this morning and into my in-law’s as the tree damage to the house begins repairs. I might be a bit more scattered with my posts for the time being.
Sara's Party Perfect

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