Sara's Party Perfect

vroom, vroom

Anyone with a little boy can attest to their obsession with things that ‘go’…cars, trains, trucks, etcetera. This from mom Amber is too cute…loads of inspiration you won’t want to miss. Check out the ‘hot rod hot dogs’, race car pinata, the well-designed ‘red light, green light’ game and much more ! 

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

giddy up!

Cute cowboy party from Tania.

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

yoga party

I’d like to believe I am able to raise children that will someday request a ‘yoga’ birthday party (much like my revered Frida Kahlo party), but I’m not holding my breath. Alas- I am not only applauding the creative ideas found at this 6 year-old’s party but also the enlightened parenting that must have inspired this child to request such a fete! More of this peaceful celebration right here. Namaste.

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

‘pretty dress’ party

Very sweet ‘pretty dress’ party from Jo-Ann.

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

giveaway prize

and the winner is ‘secret cake’…email me at hickspapergoods(at)yahoo(dot)com to redeem your prize from Layer Cake Shop! Thank you so much to Layer Cake for sponsoring this fun giveaway- I hope to do more in the future!

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect


I am SO excited to host Party Perfect’s first giveaway, and I couldn’t imagine a better sponsor for it. Drumroll, please…

If you eyeballed those baking cups and guessed Layer Cake Shop you were RIGHT! Layer Cake Shop is giving away a $20 gift card to our winner. That’s like 300 super cute cupcake liners or 24 scalloped gift boxes or 10 bags of heart twist ties…oh the possibilities! I am already so jealous of the winner. 

What do you have to do to be the winning lucky duck? Tell us in the comments section what you would do with your 20 LCS bucks. We will announce the winner NEXT Tuesday, September 1st. You have until midnight on the 31st to enter…best of luck! 

Feel free to peruse all of the Layer Cake’s eye candy right here in the meantime.
Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

(hint, hint)

Party Perfect will host its first giveaway ever- later today! You won’t want to miss a chance at winning some goods…a little hint as to what’s in store above.

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

lucha libre

Megan threw an adorable birthday party for her twin boys, using the movie ‘Nacho Libre‘ as her inspiration. More fun photos here, here and here.

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

puzzle party

Jeanne shared this beautiful party she threw for her daughter’s 4th birthday. The puzzle cake, with the flower detail inspired by her daughter’s dress, is not to be missed! See more here.

Sara's Party Perfect
Sara's Party Perfect

wild thing, i think i love you

Another ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ birthday party…love it. (See the first one I featured right here).

All photos by Kristin Eldridge…see more of this inspiring feast at Kristin’s blog.
Sara's Party Perfect

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